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Let Davidson & Associates help you with your presentation skills! Similar to our Business Writing Workshops, prework is integral to our Presentation Skills Workshops. This gives us — and ultimately you — the competitive advantage.


Before each workshop


  • Each participant completes a brief questionnaire that informs us before we even meet. And we respond to each participant.

  • Second, participants receive engaging material relevant to the program, to get them thinking about their audience, their purpose, their presentation style.

  • As with our Business Writing Workshops, the confidential feedback received before the seminar helps us prepare one tailored to the group's needs and level of experience.


Take a look at a sample of our programs, all of which can be tailored to your organization's specific needs:


Introductory Presentation Skills Workshop


Course description
A staggering decline in the oral and written skill level of workers over the last 25 years has been identified and confirmed daily in corporations. What used to be standards for speaking and writing well can no longer be taken for granted. This ground-level program is intended to provide a standard for what is correct. The program's goal is to make competent and articulate those who have had little or no formal presentation skills training.


Who should attend
Anyone whose position requires they speak one-on-one or before groups, internally and/or externally — to sell their ideas, their plans, and their products — and who have had little or no formal presentation skills training.


Format of the class
Through highly interactive sessions, participants learn and practice skills in five key areas. They will be videotaped numerous times and receive individual and group feedback and coaching on each skill.


What you'll learn

  • Overview

    • Learn the best-kept secrets of winning presenters

    • Practice applying them

  • Developing platform presence

    • Master fundamental platform skills that create a positive presence

    • Avoid conditions/habits that detract from a positive presence

    • Dress for success

    • Put personality and experience into a presentation

    • Exercises to control body language and voice effectively

  • Controlling the fear of speaking

    • Put nervous energy to work

    • Exercises to overcome stage fright

  • Planning for dynamic content

    • Analyze audience needs and priorities

    • Organize ideas for impact and acceptance with tried and true formats

    • Limit main points and select the winning angle

    • Choose persuasive examples

    • Enhance every presentation with a strong opening and convincing close

    • Use the right words and best metaphors to tell your story

    • Practice a formula for thinking on your feet

    • Design and deliver a full business presentation

  • Creating visual aids

    • Adhere to guidelines that make visual aids an asset, not a liability

    • Use PowerPoint slides and a laser to your advantage

    • Set up the room for the best display of yourself and your visuals

  • Handling the Q & A

    • Maintain and enhance credibility

    • Handle objections and difficult audiences

    • Remain positive and make positive recommendations while handling objections and difficult audiences



  • Increase your confidence and comfort in front of an audience

  • Enhance your platform and organizational skills

  • Design a new presentation ready to finesse and deliver

  • Develop an individual plan for your continued improvement

  • Have a personal videotape and a Speaker's Survival Guide for future reference


Class size is limited, so participants have ample time to practice in a non-threatening atmosphere. Videotaping and feedback are essential features of the program. The instructor will also speak with participants before the workshop to discuss, one-on-one, their background, previous presentation experiences, and goals for the workshop.


Call (941) 387-8735 or email us now to get started!



Course description
While the goal of the introductory level program is to offer a standard for what is correct and to make participants competent, the goal of the intermediate level is to make them good. This level program provides participants an opportunity to revisit and refine how they are coming across. It is intended to offer those who have been employed a few years with further seasoning in their company's preferred style of presenting.


Who should attend
Anyone whose position requires speaking in one-on-one or group situations, internally and/or externally — to sell their ideas, their plans, and their products. Participants should have a few years' work experience and previous presentation skills training. The program provides progressive training in the communication skills needed to assume more demanding roles in their company: through promotions, deeper involvement with customers, and additional job requirements.


Format of the class
Highly interactive sessions that include practice, role play and videotaping help participants hone skills in the five key areas covered in the introductory program. They will be videotaped numerous times and receive individual and group feedback and coaching.


What you'll learn
Every progressive level workshop re-sharpens participants in the following areas:

  • Perfecting platform presence

    • The do's and don'ts

    • The power of non-verbal behavior to establish and sustain a positive impression

  • Controlling the fear of speaking

    • Push past distractions and control the moment

  • Planning for dynamic content

    • Frame your point of view and message

    • Structure your presentation from your audience's needs and priorities

    • Use compelling examples

    • Apply a formula for thinking on your feet when asked to "say a few words"

  • Enhancing with language and visual aids

    • Choose the best words and apply powerful rhetorical devices (like triads, echo, antithesis and word play) so audiences get the full impact of your message

    • Avoid "word slides"

    • Harness and bottom line talking points

  • Staying in charge during the Q & A

    • Reinforce your message and credibility

    • Anticipate questions and prepare responses

    • Handle objections and difficult audiences

    • Make positive recommendations


  • Know how to create a positive stage presence: with eyes, face, voice, gestures, posture, movement

  • Use techniques effectively to remain calm before and during a presentation

  • Organize any presentation effectively for purpose and audience

  • Have an individual plan for continuous improvement


Class size is limited, so you'll have ample time to practice in a non-threatening atmosphere. Videotaping and feedback are essential features of the program. The instructor will also speak with participants before the workshop to discuss, one-on-one, their background, previous presentation experiences, and goals for the workshop.


Call (941) 387-8735 or email us now to get started!


Course description
The goal of the introductory level program is to offer a standard for what is correct and to make participants competent; the goal of the intermediate level is to make them good; and the goal of this program is to take participants from good to great. This program offers a personal coach so the value and effectiveness of participating senior level executives to their organization will multiply. It is intended for those in high stakes' situations, to hone their skills to "game-day" sharpness, to prepare them for speaking opportunities that could change the course of their careers.


Who should attend
Senior executives, VPs, directors, managers, organizational leaders, spokespeople for corporations, organizations, products. Those who have the opportunity and challenge to share their vision with a Board; sell the value of their ideas to their CEO; sell business to major accounts; speak to the public; model sound communication skills to those they manage; and inspire their employees.


Format of the class
Usually, this session is planned in conjunction with a key event or issue such as an upcoming strategy presentation, a public appearance, or need to more effectively lead a department. First, background on previous presentation performance is gathered — from both participants and their managers — and then goals are set. Next, the format is decided: If a group of senior executives is preparing for a high stakes presentation, group sessions that include preparing, practice, role play and videotaping are planned. Often, a combination of group sessions and private executive briefings is designed; or the session may consist of private coaching only.


Every advanced level executive briefing helps participants learn how to

  • Perform at their best

  • Master the verbal and non-verbal cues inherent in powerful presenters and persuasive presentations

  • Turn raw information into a story that sells

  • Create clear message points

  • Use persuasive language

  • Ensure presentation goals match their company's strategy

  • Handle questions and oneself with professionalism and grace.


  • Know how to differentiate yourself through your verbal and non-verbal behavior

  • Use techniques effectively to remain calm before and during a presentation

  • Organize a presentation to align with company goals

  • Use language that is memorable and that reinforces message points

  • Know how to model effective communication skills to others


Class size is very limited, frequently held in private, one-on-one executive coaching sessions. Advanced level training can also be conducted as "virtual training" if geography and time constraints make meeting in person impossible. In "virtual training," the presentation can be drafted through email and phone briefings. Participants can then forward a video of their practice session and receive detailed feedback on both content and delivery.


Call (941) 387-8735 or email us now to get started!

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